Notification type

We encourage you to tell us about each matter at two stages.

  • Initial notification – An initial notification should be made when allegations are first raised or identified so that the Commission can provide advice where required. It should outline actions your organisation proposes to take.

  • Final notification – A final notification should be made at the conclusion of the process. It should outline any findings and outcomes. If we have told you after the initial notification that we are not monitoring it, there is no need for you to provide a final notification.

Misconduct information

How is this misconduct?

Misconduct is defined by section 4 of the Integrity Commission Act 2009. It includes conduct, or an attempt to engage in conduct, that potentially involves a public officer. Select all that apply.

Your details as notifier

Who raised the (alleged) misconduct?

Upload a document

Relevant documentation that assists us to understand the matter usually includes the:

  • Initial and final letters to the Respondent/Subject Officer

  • ED5 letters to Respondent/Subject Officer (Tasmanian State Service only)

  • investigator’s letter of appointment

  • file note or minute approving the investigation, and

  • investigation report.


Further details

Integrity Commission Tasmania